Mrs. Dionne fell in love with the Co-op when her daughter was a student in 2006. Shortly after in 2007, she joined the Co-op staff as the Assistant to the Director. She has been in the Director role since December 2011. She loves running the Co-op and cherishes the opportunity to keep the school a constant in the community and as a great place to learn and grow. Mrs. Dionne has a degree in Early Childhood Education and many years of experience in the early education field.

What does she love most about the Co-op?

“There are so many things that I love about being a part of the Co-Op. I would say the most rewarding part of my job is being able to witness the miraculous growth of the children over the school year. When they first start school, they are so little and are doing so many things for the first time, which can be so hard and frustrating. Being able to watch and take part in them overcoming these challenges, is beyond rewarding. The amount that these kiddos learn is astounding! Mastering self help skills, potty training, writing their names, zipping their coat, being empathetic, conquering the monkey bars…. the list is endless- I am blessed to be able to be the first step in their educational journey.”